Sticky Fingers You Love To Lick
I haven't got the slightest idea how to change people, but still I keep a long list of prospective candidates just in case I should ever figure it out.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Covert Cockroaches and the Epic Fail
So here I go again, actually posting something. I really do wonder how long I am going to keep up with this. My layout is something I playing around with at the moment so who knows what it's going to actually end up looking like, let me know what you think as it goes.

So I wanted to let everyone know to be on alert for Cockroaches!!!! They are some sort of operation to try and kill people. It started the other day when I was in my living room typing away and I noticed one across the room on the wall. Now I have like an industrial fan in my living room since it's like a billion degrees. Anyway, this cockroach was crawling on the wall when it fell, or as I like to refer to it, decided to suicide dive bomb me. It let go of the wall, caught the wind on the fan, and flew more than half the distance to me!! I was scared for my life, I saw images of the life I would never get to live flash before my eyes! It was terrifying! I am not scared of a lot of things, but cockroaches are disgusting and I cannot held it. It's the only other time in my life, besides when around clowns or snakes, that I will scream like a little girl.

I relay this story to Jonathan and he laughs, tells me I am overacting, that apparently cockroaches are not trying to kill me. Thalia does the same: laughs at me and tells me I am silly. Then on my way home after the epic fail that I will get to, I get a text message from Thalia, who was attacked by a cockroach! She was in the shower and one swooped down on her and tried to take her out too!!!! I am telling you cockroaches are revolting against bug spray, global warming, stupidity of people, a two party government system, something! They are trying to take us out. Who knows how long this covert mission has been going on and how many causalities there has been! To be on the safe side, be very careful if you see one and back away fairly quickly! You have been warned!!!

So the Epic Fail of the day goes to the History Club. WOW! There are no words for how bad that meeting was. First I was like it can't last more than 30 minutes right? WRONG! 1 hour and 12 minutes later, I was dying! There was a total of 4 people there not including the 3 of us, the adviser, and some chick's boyfriend. It was the most awkward, boring, unorganized meeting I have ever attended. Ricky(the president and the reason I went) was so nice to us after apologizing for the length and for just how boring it was. But WOW! There really are no words for the whole thing. He asked if we would come back and we said yes, trying to be nice. I need this club to show how active I am on campus, but I don't know if I can handle that. I mean I am nerd and a little bit of a geek myself, but not like them! It those socially awkward people that make you feel so much better about yourself and your friends. Maybe it'll get better?

I haven't watched that new show Fringed yet. I have it recorded to watch and plan on watching it tomorrow after my PTK and Philosophy meeting. I'll let everyone know what I think. I just hope its not another Heroes. I mean I tried so hard to get into that show, but I just couldn't. Hopefully this one will be different since JJ Abrams did it.

Sears is supposed to call me and Jonathan tomorrow about jobs so everyone cross your fingers for us.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008
First Blog Ever
So this is the first blogging I have ever done(unless my deadjournal and livejournal counted back in the day). I don't even know why I want to try one of these. Maybe it's just to get some of my thoughts on paper and get my head straight. Maybe it's to start writing again, even if its just what I did in my day. Who knows, I sure don't. So get ready be prepared! Start licking those fingers XD

Now playing: The Get Up Kids - Sympathy
via FoxyTunes